Saturday, December 13, 2008

it doesnt have to be...

some of my stuff is really short
like 5 or 6 lines
and though i love them, i feel like they're too short to have their own post.
i'm gonna put one up anyway and see how it goes.


It doesn’t have to be me
But it has to be someone
It doesn’t have to be here
but it has to be somewhere
It doesn’t have to be now
But it does have to be


  1. Well worth posting!

    (I often toy with limericks which are only 5 lines. Haikus are 3. It's you blog, post an exclamation mark!)

  2. this one sounds a bit more...not forceful but more like you're in control. also, i would be curious to know (yes, i'm nosey like that) when these were written. are these recent?

  3. JCN - thanks for the vote of confidence.

    CK - the first one was recent. the second one is a few years old. i dont date them, although i should.

    sometimes i remember the context in which, or reason for which they were written. sometimes not.

  4. It doesn't have to be you


    It has to be somebody!!!

    Genius!! I really love this one!!!

    Now get to running dude!

  5. michelle - thank you.

    and its too friggin cold to run. i dont like this weather. at all.
