Saturday, December 13, 2008

explaining kinnian

miss kinnian was the teacher in flowers for algernon. ok. maybe its just me. but i found her to be one of the the most heartbreaking characters ever. come to think of it, i'm pretty sure its just me. i thought i would one day write a book of poetry and call it "the kinnian effect" or something like that. as the years roll by, i have become a little less sure that i will ever write such a book. its not over till the fat lady sings i guess...
but there you have it. the name explained. i'm not nearly so mysterious...
and for the record, i loved that book. flowers for algernon. loved it. loved it. loved it.


  1. I haven't read that for ages. it was good, though.

  2. JCN - yep. its always cool to read something again that i read at a different time in my life. not only age-wise, but in a different stage as well.
